How to prevent bloating and indigestion

Holistic health tips for bloating

Want to savor every moment of your Thanksgiving feast without the post-feast bloat and discomfort? Here are some tips inspired by Chinese medicine to keep your digestive system in harmony:

1. Digestive Enzymes:

Support your digestive fire! Consider taking digestive enzymes before your meal to help break down those delicious dishes. Your tummy will thank you!

2. Chew Mindfully:

Slow down and savor each bite! Mindful chewing allows your digestive system to prepare for the journey ahead. Enjoy the textures and flavors of your Thanksgiving feast.

3. Vegetables First, Protein Second, Carbs Last:

Prioritize your plate with veggies to kickstart your meal with fiber and essential nutrients. Bonus points if your veggies include bitter greens as they will help stimulate bile. Follow with protein to keep you satisfied, and save carbs for the end to help manage blood sugar spikes.

4. Warm Ginger Tea:

A time-honored remedy in Chinese Medicine, ginger tea can help soothe your stomach and promote digestion.

5. Po Chai or Curing Pills:

These traditional Chinese herbal pills can help alleviate indigestion and bloating. These are especially helpful in preventing hangovers. Keep them handy for post-feast relief.

6. Post-Meal Stroll:

After indulging, take a leisurely walk with loved ones. Gentle movement aids digestion and can prevent that sluggish feeling. Enjoy the crisp autumn air!

7. Acupressure for digestion:

Stay tuned for a post tomorrow about how to stimulate my favorite acupressure points for digestion

Need help detoxing and relieving indigestion after Thanksgiving? Book an appointment in our acupuncture clinic in Beverly Hills.


Acupressure for bloating and indigestion


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